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How To Play All Five Darts (Strategy Based Darts Game)

All Five Darts
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One of the more challenging things when it comes to darts is being able to do the math needed to calculate your score. While this is challenging for most people, someone thought it would be a good idea to invent a more math-based darts game! 

Fear not though, All Five Darts might be a game that involves some math but it’s not very complicated and it’s actually an enjoyable game that makes a change from the standard X01 dart games. 

In this article, I’ll go over how to play all fives darts with rules, scoring, example games, and tips to ensure you grasp this game quickly and can dominate your friends… 

Number of Players

2 or more players

All Five darts are played with 2 or more players. You can play as individuals or if there are a lot of people, you can split up into two teams.

All Five Darts Rules and Scoring

Each player gets 3 darts per turn. When they throw the darts, their goal is to land a score that is divisible by 5. 

All sections of the board are used, and the double and treble still boost the points (ie: land on a double= points X2, land on a treble= points X3). The outer bullseye will be worth 25 points and the middle section is worth 50 points. 

Players will only receive points if their total for that round is a sum that can be divided by five. To determine the number of points, the score will be divided by 5 (ie: if a player lands 25 on the dartboard, they receive 5 points). If a player lands their darts on a score that can’t be divided by 5, they won’t receive any points that turn.

The first player to receive 51 points will win the game.

How to Play All Five Darts Game

Want to know how to play All Five darts? Follow these easy instructions to find out how!

Each player will throw a dart at the dartboard and whoever hits the bullseye will go first. Alternatively, you can also flip a coin to see who goes first.

Markdown each player’s name down the left-hand side of the scoreboard to keep track of the points.

Each player will throw 3 darts per turn. Their main goal is to land the darts on segments that will equal a total that can be divided by 5. If a player succeeds, the total number they got will be divided by 5 to determine how many points they get that round. However, if the total isn’t divisible by 5, they will receive 0 points that turn.

The game will continue in this pattern until someone reaches 51 points. However, the game won’t end just because someone scored higher than 51. All players must even out at 51 in order to win. This means if they have 49 points, they must get 2 points to win. If they were to score 3 or more points, it wouldn’t count. 

All Five Darts Example Game

One of the easiest ways to understand All Five darts is by looking at an example. This example game features 2 players in a match. Let’s take a look:

  • Player A starts the game. They throw 3 darts, land the first 2 in the single 10 segment and the third on double 20. This equals 40, which gives them 8 points to start with (40/5 = 8).
  • Player B throws. They land on single 10, double 15, and treble 15. This equals 85, which gives them 17 points to start with.
  • Player A takes their turn. They land on double 10, treble 20, and the outer bullseye for 25. This is 105 which gives them 21 points. Their new score is 29 points.
  • Player B takes their turn. They land on a double 18, treble 20, and middle bullseye for 50. This is 146 points, but since that number can’t be divided by 5, they don’t receive any points this round. Their score remains at 17.
  • Player A throws their three darts. They land on treble 5, double 15, and double 20. This gives them 85, which is 17 points. Their new score is 46. 
  • Player B throws their darts. They land on treble 15, double 20, and the middle bullseye for 50. This is 135, which gives them 27 points. Their new score is 44.
  • Player A throws their darts. They need 5 points to even out. They land a double 5, single 10, and single 15. This is 35 which is worth 7 points. That’s too many to even out, so they don’t receive any points this turn.
  • Player B throws their darts. They land on single 5, double 5, and double 10. This is 35, which counts for 7 points. This is the exact amount they needed to bring their score up to 51. Player B has won the game.  

All Fives Darts Tips 

All fives darts is a very unique game and one that’s also challenging if you don’t have your darts math mastered. Therefore, it’s useful to have some tips/strategies to hand in order to boost your chances of winning. 

The first key tip is that your last dart must focus on leaving a number divisible by 5. If you need to take a break before throwing to work out the score you need then that’s perfectly fine. There’s no rounding up or down so if your score is 58 after 2 darts, scoring 2 to give 60 should be a priority. 

You could aim for a higher number but for a basic example, scoring 3 with the last dart will put you on 61 points scoring 0. A score of 12 (60/5) is much better than 0.

Next, the 20 bed is always divisible by 5, and the added bonus is that the number 5 is alongside it. If you throw in this general area there’s a high probability that you’ll be able to mark a score each round – the only expectation being a loose dart going into the 1 bed. 

Finally, the bullseye and outer bullseye are both very tempting numbers to go for but you won’t see the benefit if you’re an average player. The 25 and 50 are good scores to divide by 5 but only if you hit them! Missing the middle can easily leave you on an awkward number making it difficult to register a score for the throw. 

Something I would recommend is throwing for this with your first dart if you’re a confident player with a decent darts average, that way if you miss you still have 2 darts to rectify the score. 


All fives darts might seem like a complicated game at first but once you understand the rules, it’s really quite simple and an enjoyable twist. 

Even if you aren’t good at math, a calculator can be easily used to work out a score. Just note that this game is not necessarily compatible with electronic scorers if you rely on these when playing. 

Looking for a darts scorer – check out our recommendation here

Finally, if you’ve played and enjoyed all fives darts you might also like:
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