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What Is a Darts Tool? (Darts Tool Explained)

What Is a Darts Tool
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Darts at a glance don’t look too complicated and if anyone has used a basic brass set before then you’ll know that some really aren’t that complicated. 

Darts technology has come a long way over the years and the dart parts/components are now more intricate and intentional than ever before. When you have more intricate parts, maintenance and repairs become more difficult. 

For this reason, there’s a relatively useful and inexpensive tool known as a darts wrench. Just what is a darts wrench? 

In this article, I’ll cover what a dart wrench is and how you can use one to fix a lot of darting problems. Chances are it can fix some issues with your darts that you never even knew you had! 

What Is a Darts Wrench

A darts wrench, also known as a darts tool, is an accessory that can be used to fix broken darts or maintain parts. They are small metal tools that have a number of functions specifically for fixing darts and dart parts that are prone to breaking. 

A darts wrench can be used for:

  • Removing broken stems 
  • Tightening metal dart shafts 
  • Realigning shaft fingers
  • Tightening dart points 
  • Spreading metal shafts to allow easy insertion of dart flights

Some of these definitely don’t look like major issues to try and solve but how many people reading this can honestly say you haven’t spent countless minutes fumbling around while trying to put a flight back on a bent dart shaft? 

What Is a Darts Wrench Used For

A dart wrench is primarily used to remove broken stems from soft tip darts, tighten metal dart shafts, realign bent shaft fingers, remove broken shafts, and tighten dart points. 

Dart wrenches are used by most experienced players as a quick solution for many common darting problems. Due to the intricacy of dart parts, you’ll usually find that breaks, bends, or loose parts are often an issue and sometimes they are not necessarily easy to fix. 

A dart wrench is easily stored in a dart case and is just a simple accessory that can help fix some of these very common dart problems and issues. 

How Do You Use a Darts Tool

Each part of the dart tool can be used for different aspects, below we’ll cover how you can use them to fix certain issues: 

Broken Point Remover – This is specifically for soft tip darts (steel tips would require a specific dart point removal tool). The broken point remover helps to remove plastic soft tip dart points that have broken in the shaft/barrel and are difficult to remove by other means. 

Broken Shaft Remover – As above, when a dart shaft – nylon/plastic – breaks in a dart barrel they can be very difficult to remove without the correct equipment but the broken shaft remover makes this much easier. 

Shaft Tightening Wrench – Arguably the main benefit of this tool is that it acts as a shaft tightener. Metal (aluminum) dart shafts always come loose, especially if not using a dart o-ring so the wrench allows for a quick and effective method to tighten these shafts.   

Shaft Realigning – The fingers on aluminum dart shafts can often take damage due to collisions and become bent out of place, which makes it very difficult to insert flights once they pop out. The realigning feature allows for a quick and easy solution to this to get the fingers in a perfect 45/90 degree angle again. 

^^ Also linked in with this is the fact that you can use a dart tool to spread the shaft fingers to make it easier to insert dart flights. Again, this is just something to speed up the process as it can be very frustrating fumbling around with a dart flight mid-game (we’ve all been there!). 

Best Dart Wrench

A dart wrench is a very basic accessory, they are so inexpensive that you can’t really make a bad decision when purchasing one. What we will say though, is that you still want to get a dart wrench that has most of the features listed above in this article rather than just a few. 

Therefore, we’d recommend the Harrows Dart Fix It Tool or the US Darts Dart Shark – Multi-Purpose Dart Tool


A dart wrench might not seem like a common dart accessory that many people are aware of, however, they are definitely a useful tool that any player should have stored in their darts case. 

For such a cheap/inexpensive tool, you’ll find that most players carry one in their case just because of the usefulness they provide, even at the elite level. 

If you think this is a useful tool, you’ll also want to check out our guide (coming soon) on the best dart accessories. These cover everything that a beginner or pro player would need when playing darts.

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