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Where Do You Put a Dartboard: How to Hang a Dartboard

Where Do You Put a Dartboard
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If you’ve finally decided on getting a dartboard for your home, one of the most important decisions you can make: Where do you put a dartboard?

Not only do you need adequate space for the throw line but you also need to keep in mind additional factors like lighting, valuable items within the area, accessibility and even whether or not it will match your room. This means you need to consider both practical and aesthetic solutions when it comes to hanging your dartboard. 

As it’s such a big decision (and one I’ve personally skipped by opting for a portable dartboard stand instead…), we’re going to walk you through where to put a dartboard as well as the steps needed to properly hang/instal it. 

Where Do You Put A Dartboard? 

Darts are fun and great until an accident happens and injuries are sustained. Even though these little arrows are considered toys, they can still injure someone in accidents. Hence, choosing a dartboard location is crucial for a safe, fun, and frustration-free experience for both the player, the spectator, and household items.

Ideal Places

The best places to install a dartboard and a dartboard cabinet are in areas with little traffic/footfall. Leave sufficient space at the back and on the side so the spectators can safely watch the game. And if possible, set the scoreboard right where everyone in the room can see it without going near the board. 

You can dedicate an entire room if you have an extra one. This way, you can comfortably play the game while other people are watching you. Garages, basements, and attics can also do the job as long as these spaces reach the required size. 

Living rooms are also great because this is where most people come to relax or unwind. It’s a great place to play darts with family and friends. Just make sure that the board is installed in a safe place and that people who are not participating could safely do their own thing without risks. 

Where NOT To Put Your Dartboard

Avoid installing your board in areas where children and other people do their activities. This includes nursery rooms, hallways, playgrounds, kitchens, and other similar areas. Don’t install the board without any wall protectors, as the dart tips, especially those with steel tips, can puncture a hole in the wall or the floor (when falling from bounce-outs.)

If you have a dartboard stand, make sure that your unit has backing support and protection around the board. Most high-quality stands have the mentioned protection, but low-quality cheap alternatives don’t. Avoid attaching the board to any flimsy pole or fences, or it would get destroyed by constant vibration and wobbling every time a dart is thrown. 

Can You Put A Dartboard Outside? 

There should be no problem in hanging your dartboard outside, as long as it is not exposed to weathering elements and moisture (something I cover in tips to easily maintain a dartboard). The Sisal Fiber in the board might rot or develop molds when exposed to a high-moisture environment. Avoid playing in an area with high humidity. 

If you only play outdoors occasionally, you might want to consider using dartboard stands. Stands are portable enough that you can quickly put them in a bag and assemble it on-site. Some stands act like tripods, with three support pillars for stability. Dartboard stands are usually made of wood, aluminum, and steel. 

How To Hang A Dartboard? 

5 Easy Steps In Hanging Your Dartboard Properly

1. Choose The Location 

Avoid choosing a high-traffic location such as kitchens, commonly-used rooms, and even hallways. This step is an essential part of playing darts. It is a precaution done to avoid unnecessary injuries for players and spectators alike. Always remember that playing darts is more fun in a safe area, minimizing the risk of accidents happening. 

Basements and garage space are some of the ideal locations for installing your dartboard. You can also dedicate a whole room to play and practice your throwing skills. Make sure that it’s not too small. Use a room that is at least 5 feet wide and 11 feet long. 

Make sure that the floor beneath the board is not very fragile. Missed throws and bounce-outs might land on this area and cause damage.

2. Make The Measurement

Playing with the recommended distance and height is essential, especially if you plan to get serious and join tournaments. Each player had to use this measurement to ensure fairness. And depending on your height, you might need to adjust your throws to reach the dartboard properly. And practicing without consistency in both height and distance will not give you better accuracy. 

Leave a considerably spacious amount of side between the board’s side protector and the walls. Mark the area where the bullseye should be, and make additional markings for the board frame (if there’s any). 

3. Install The Wall Protector

Protecting your wall from darts for aesthetic and structural damages is necessary if you want to play darts for a long time. These protectors should be at least 3 inches wide and 4 inches tall to support your dartboard completely. Measure 5ft 8in from the floor to the wall and mark it. This is where the bullseye should be. Install your wall protector based on the mark.

Check out my list of the best dartboard surrounds which act as effective wall protectors while being low cost and easy to install.

Some protective boards have cabinet-style covers on them where you can attach scoring boards and extra darts. If you don’t have the budget to get a cabinet-type wall protector, extra plywood or foam would be enough. It would be better to re-measure the 5ft 8in measurement and remark it for easier installation.  

4. Hang Your Dartboard Properly

Install the backing board disc behind your board, right at the center. This disc is included in your dartboard’s packaging. In most dartboards, there are other three holes around the center screw. Don’t forget to fasten three more screws in the remaining holes. Back to the wall protector, get your wall bracket and install it. 

Follow the bullseye mark and safety screw it to the wall. Ensure that you see a “U” shaped recess once the wall bracket is installed. Mount your board to the wall bracket, and rotate until the “20” scoring symbol is on top. 

5. Fortify Your Floors 

Prepare your flooring by adding a dart mart or a roll-out rubber mat. These materials are great in absorbing the falling dart’s damage, while not damaging the dart’s tip in return. Take note: don’t remove these mats when playing. A falling dart can puncture wooden floors and break concrete or tile floors. 

Lastly, take the measuring tape and measure the oche. According to the official darts standard measurement, the oche should be at least 7 feet and 9.25 inches from the board. You can use tape or other materials to make the mark. Just make sure that it is visible enough to the player. 


When it comes to hanging a dartboard or where you should put a dartboard, there is no single best place. Everyone will have different living areas and will therefore need to adapt their dartboard location depending on your individual needs and available space. 

As a good rule of thumb, select an area that’s open and spacious (to allow for bounce-outs), can allow for additional equipment like an oche, throw line, or dartboard surround, and allows you to practice with the correct throwing distance.

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